Forgotten Shrine Tori on Mt. Atago, 2020
Forgotten Shrine Tori on Mt. Atago, 2020
Nagabeta Seabed Road during High Tide, 2021
Nagabeta Seabed Road during High Tide, 2021
Negabata Seabed Road during Low Tide, 2021
Negabata Seabed Road during Low Tide, 2021
Nagabeta Seabed Road Landscape, 2021
Nagabeta Seabed Road Landscape, 2021
Self-portrait in front of the enormous abandoned statue of Princess Hannya, 2020
Self-portrait in front of the enormous abandoned statue of Princess Hannya, 2020
Forgotten Shrine Tori on Mt. Atago, 2020
Nagabeta Seabed Road during High Tide, 2021
Negabata Seabed Road during Low Tide, 2021
Nagabeta Seabed Road Landscape, 2021
Self-portrait in front of the enormous abandoned statue of Princess Hannya, 2020
Forgotten Shrine Tori on Mt. Atago, 2020
Nagabeta Seabed Road during High Tide, 2021
Negabata Seabed Road during Low Tide, 2021
Nagabeta Seabed Road Landscape, 2021
Self-portrait in front of the enormous abandoned statue of Princess Hannya, 2020
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